Hollywood Dance Orchestra

Dawn of Sound Netcast Episode 1

Billy Murray fixes up his automobile, Esther Walker belts it out slow and easy, Salt & Pepper has them crazy blues and who is Zina Brozia?

Join Adrian Shuman and I as we take a trip back to the days of Cylinders & 78s in our very first netcast! To listen click on the play button. To download the netcast right click on the download button and select “save link as” or “save target as”.

Dawn of Sound Episode 1

Show notes
Recorded March 18th, 2007
With Peter Nagy & Adrian Shuman
Studio Producer Ameene Shishakly
Audio Transfer & Restoration: Peter Nagy

He’d have to get under, get out and get under to fix up his automobile.
Billy Murray
Victor 17491 Released 1913

Slow and Easy
Esther Walker
Victor 18680
May 14, 1929

O Promise Me
Harry Macdonough
Victor 1212
Released 1902

I’m Tying the Leaves so they Won’t Fall down
Bryon G. Harlan
Victor 16122
Released 1907

Crazy Blues
Salt & Pepper
Cameo 583
Recorded July 14th, 1924

Jewel Song – Faust
Zina Brozia
Columbia A1242
Released 1912

By the light of the Silvery Moon (Take 2)
Ada Jones & Male Quartette
Edison Blue Amberol Cylinder Record 1512

Life Will Be a Bed of Roses
Hollywood Dance Orchestra
Banner 1837
Recorded August 16, 1926


Published: March 20, 2007